Smart - Aodv Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks Environments

Bok av Keshavarz Hassan
This study improves the neighbor discovery in VANETs and in doing so decreases the network overhead and increases performance AODV routing protocol. Since AODV is a part of reactive routing protocols, if a request is sent from the source, a link would be created to the destination.The neighbor discovery is created through HELLO message. The HELLO message is broadcasted to all nodes at a specific time and this happens through the use hello timer and is calculated by Hello _interval default value, Min Hello_ Interval and Max Hello_Interval multiplied random number. This STUDY aims at sending HELLO message and through considering the various conditions of the nodes (such as Up, Down and In_Repair), place the unsaved information in the routing table. This condition is not considered for the In repair mode because a node might be in repair mode in the ti but may not be in this mode at the ti+1. It might be arranged according to the up mode and this can cause a freshness and closer path. In order to solve this problem, a function was introduced which checks all node continually. If they are in an Up or In_Repair mode, the HELLO message packet is sent and ACK is received.