Neuroprotective Role of Quercetin and Etodolac Against Ad : Role of Quercetin and Pyranocarboxylic Acid Derivatives against Aluminium Chloride Induced Alzheimer's Disease in Rats

Bok av Singh Sarabjeet
Animals were exposed to Aluminium chloride at a dose of 4.2 mg/kg/day B.W. for 28 days followed by a post treatment with Quercetin which was administered at two dose levels 25 and 50 mg/kg/day B.W. for 28 days and similarly Etodolac which was administered at 20 and 40 mg/kg/day B.W. for 28 days on different groups. Another post treatment with combination of both drugs at lower dose levels was carried for 28 days period. Memory assessment of animals was examined by step down behavioral memory testing apparatus on every 7th day of the study. oxidative stress was recorded from estimation of stress markers after aluminium chloride exposure. Brains isolated were carried for histopathology.Animals were sacrificed & subjected to biochemical estimation where a significant p