A History of Minangkabau Press (1859-1945)

Bok av Darwis Yuliandre
Minangkabau is a region located on the Western part of Sumatera, Indonesia. The Minangkabau tradition of "rantau: (wandering, a rite of passage) has obviously been the reason for the emergence of youthful and progressive-thinking figures that brought about change. The unique debate about Islam and local customs and traditions had led to the emergence of two opposing forces, the Kaum Tua (The Old, or Conservatives) and the Kaum Muda (The Youth, or Progressives) in Minangkabau. The evidence of the conflict between those two forces can clearly be seen in press activities, which has made the history of the press in Minangkabau as one of the oldest in Indonesia. In its subsequent development, during the Dutch colonial occupation the press in Minangkabau developed in such a way as to become the means to present ideas of nationalism, which later on led to independence. The press of Minangkabau, beginning with the very first newspaper published in The press of Minangkabau, beginning with the very first newspaper published in 1859, up to national independence in 1945 has had a fascinating history, and it is important for Indonesia as well as for Minangkabau itself.