Validation Of Nitrogen Levels For Rice Varieties Of Costal Ap

Bok av Vana Prasada Rao
The present investigation was carried out agricultural college, Bapatla, ANGRAU, Hyderabad, India, with the objective of evaluate the performance of popular rice varieties to levels of nitrogen and find out the need for nitrogen application over and above the recommended level , during 2009-10. The findings of the experiment revealed that the growth parameters such as plant height, number of tillers m-2, drymatter production, chlorophyll content (SPAD reading), number of green leaves per culm, days to 50 per cent flowering and maturity measured at different intervals were significantly influenced by varieties and nitrogen levels. We are taken four varieties viz., BPT 5204, NLR 28523, NLR 33892 and MTU 1061 and five nitrogen levels 120, 150, 180, 210 and 240 kg N ha-1.