Soil Conservation Practices in Bahir Dar Zuria Wereda, Ethiopia

Bok av Hussien Rediet
Soil erosion is a major threat to the sustainability of agricultural land and food security. Thus, this book tries to contribute to the adoption of soil conservation that improves agricultural productivity in the underdeveloped world. To study the status of soil conservation practices in the study area, four sample kebeles (sub-districts) were randomly selected. About 121 sample farmers were randomly selected from the selected kebeles as respondents. The respondent farmers were categorized as adopters and non adopters of soil conservation practices. Primary and secondary data were collected. The result showed that educational level, slope of farmland, plot distance, livestock holding, off-farm activities, land tenure security system, training, extension support, perception of farmers` about soil erosion as a problem, and their attitude to conservation technologies were found to be significant in influencing farmers` adoption of soil conservation practices. The book could be useful to professional researchers, development agents, soil conservation experts in the governmental and non-governmental organizations.