Learning Environment for Disable Children and Young People : A Study on Bangladesh

Bok av Islam MD Sirajul Islam MD Sirajul Khatun Razia Rahman MD Esfaqur
In my study I have tried to identify, ACCESSING THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES AND DISABILITIES. A major policy objective of Bangladesh is to provide all children and young people with strong foundational literacy and numeric skills. However, providing appropriate literacy and numeric learning opportunities, especially for children experiencing learning difficulties, continues to be a challenge for teachers and schools. In order to, support teachers and schools, a study needs to be carried out to provide a national picture of how students with learning difficulties are supported in their literacy and numeric learning.Never the less, the research were: Assessing and analyzing the major shortfalls in existing design and implementation process of education programmes for disabled children; Assessing the effectiveness and impact of existing Inclusive Education programmes in terms of Enrollment, Repetition, Dropout and Attitude; Assessing the impact of Special versus Integrated and Inclusive Education; Identifying successful Case studies and areas/issues and possible interventions for strengthening and promoting Inclusive Education.