Integrated Pest Management in Mango

Bok av Rahman Sk MD Azizur
The present investigation was undertaken to study the bioecology and development of preventive and self sustaining methods of pest control by various cultural manipulations against two major insect pests of mango, mango leaf hopper Amritodus atkinsoni (Homoptera : Cicadellidae) and shoot gall psylla Apsylla cistellata (Buckton) (Homoptera : Psyllidae). Experiments were conducted at the Horticultural Research Centre, Patharchatta with a view to find out the effect of orientation and light intensity on floral biology, pollinators and hoppers, population dynamics of hoppers in relation to weather parameters, loss assessment by hoppers, effect of plant density and impact of different agronomic practices on hoppers, role of pest, diseases and flower hormones on fruit harvest, and lastly, effect of insecticides and biopesticides on shoot gall psylla.