Broad Bed Furrow Planter Cum Inter Row Cultivator for Rain Fed Crops : Construction, Evaluation and Demonstration of Planter for In-Situ Moisture Conservation and Higher Crop Yield

Bok av Waghmare Nilesh
Sustainable development in agriculture can be achieved by use of mechanization in agriculture. Mechanization can help in increasing the production by timely farm operation, reducing losses, reducing the cost of operations. In BBF technique rain fed field is divided into narrow strips of broad beds separated by furrows. The seed is sown on the broad bed surface. Whenever there is a rain, the water get collected in the furrows and the lateral water movement fulfills the crop water requirement. Whenever there is excess rain the water flows throw the furrows and the stagnation of water avoided. The infiltration rate of the furrow bottom remains low due to compaction developed by tractor movement. This book mainly evaluate the Broad Bed Furrow method of sowing for the rain fed crops in Kharif season. The moisture conservation trend is also find out with other cone penetration resistance. The inter row cultivator was also tested and the results also incorporated in this book. Over all this book will give helping hand to the research in rain fed and dry land area farming.