Egfr Signaling and Spectroscopic Analysis of S/Mar1 Protein

Bok av Kharbanda Sulabh
Firstly, the book contains the microarray analysis in HEK 293 cell line of S/MAR1 which is potent tumor suppressor protein and this experiment helped in elucidating the sites/promoters in the human genome where the protein binds and further to identify the consensus promoter binding sequence in the human genome based on cluster sequence analysis. Secondly, there is deciphering and analysis of cell signaling regulatory control of the protein S/MAR1 upon EGFR signaling in breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, and regulation of the S/MAR1 protein by pin-1 (prolylisomerase) enzyme in breast cancer This research as mentioned in the book helps to understand the cell signaling in cancer research by serum response factors upon EGFR signaling. Further investigation helped later on in understanding the role of cell-signaling proteins like MAPK, JNK, and ERK proteins inside the cell.Thirdly, the book involves the study of the kinetic intermediate transition stages of the protein by temperature gradient studies similar to other protein like extendin- 4, and head-villin protein which have similar proline domains by circular dichroism spectroscopy.