Nutraceutical Properties of Commercially Important Marine Algae : A Case studies on marine macro-algal nutritional properties from west coast of Maharashtra, India

Bok av Gaikwad Dattatray
The world is facing the greatest problem of continuously increasing human population, which may prove "explosive" in some parts of the African and Asian countries in near future. The needs of the ever-growing population with respect to food, shelter and health are difficult to fulfill. Feeding to this explosively growing population with nutritious diet is one of the greatest challenges before scientist of developing countries like India. Thus, it is necessary to include low cost macroalgal resources with nutraceutical values, because they prove to be more effective for rural economically backward sectors and can be appropriately used due to its easy availability and low cost. Various bioactive compounds of macroalgal origin with their synergetic effects are considered to improve the immunity of society.