Employee Motivation, Organizational Commitment and Power Distance

Bok av Din Muhammad Saadat
The most important part in the company success and development is the employee motivation. To maximizing performance of a company, it is important for the employers to knows which factors motivates employee's more and to what extent they are satisfied with their job.It is considered as the much important concept in field of organizational behaviour and human resource management.Organizational commitment is a stronger attachment of employee with an organization, in which he is performing his duties and how much he is contributing in the achievement of Organization's objectives. When employees are committed to their organization they pursue a huge loyalty to organization, become more defensive about organization when that particular organization feels a kind of risk. Power distance is the first national culture dimension. It indicates the facts, which society admits that in organizations and institutions there exists unequal distribution of power. It reflects the value of the society, which include both less power members as well as more power members.