Separatist Movement of Balochistan : A Non Traditional Security Threat

Bok av Sandano Imran Ali
Since the dawn of Pakistan, the adverse wind of problems is blowing from unexpected quarters i.e. survival in general and governance in particular. One of the fights against overwhelming odds has been the security threats. The tactical retreat has always been dealt with militaristic aspects, imbued with the spirit of war, but the advent of modern ideologies introduced a non-traditional form of security threats. The standing menace of ethical separatism is amongst the non-traditional security (NTS) threats for Pakistan. Ethnic separatism movement in Balochistan is one of the emerging NTS threats to Pakistan. This occurred against the backdrop of administrative paralysis, political failure, unequal distribution of sources, economic imbalance, and compromised educational. Ethnic separatism has grown not only in numbers but also in sophistication; separatists' movement is host of ethnic nationalism and organized crimes. History can help to overcome this ethnic movement. Political will tempered with justice can lead Pakistan to navigate its way out of a declining present and chart a future consistent with the aspirations of its rudderless and long suffering people.