Study on Phosphatase Production Profile of Fungal Isolates : Phosphate solubilization- a sustainable approach to maintain soil fertility

Bok av Jadeja Pravina
Microorganisms are an integral component of the soil P cycle and are important for the transfer of P between different pools of soil P. Phosphate Solubilzing Microorganisms (PSM) through various mechanisms of solubilization and mineralisation are able to convert inorganic and organic soil P respectively into the bioavailable form facilitating uptake by plant roots. Hence it is imperative to better understand the plant-soil-microbial P cycle with the aim of reducing reliance on chemical P fertilizers. This has led to increased interest in the harnessing of microorganisms to support P cycling in agroecosystems. The realization of all the potential problems associated with chemical Phosphate fertilizers together with the enormous cost involved in their manufacture, has led to the search for environmental compatible and economically feasible alternative strategies for improving crop production in low or P-deficient soils. The use of microbial inoculants (biofertilisers) possesing P-solubilizing activities in agricultural soils is considered as an environmental-friendly alternative to further applications of chemical based P fertilizers.