On Being Stoned in Sober Places : A study of Marijuana normalization amongst university students in Canada

Bok av Mostaghim Amir H
This book is an investigation of Marijuana use amongst youths. The use of cannabis has been a constant topic of conversation among both academics and laymen alike. The past half a century has seen a shift in attitudes towards the use of this drug in a way that has moved the user from the margins to the center of the society. The present study aims at not only evaluating the degree to which marijuana has become a normal part of growing up, but also evaluating the mechanisms of self-formation that have aided this process. Using qualitative data gathered from the students at the University of Guelph, it is argued that not only sensible use of marijuana has become 'normalized', but also this normalization is the result of the fluid way in which youths form their identity in the post-modern world.