Therapies of Soybean to Overcome Malnutrition and Dreaded Diseases

Bok av Ghatge Nalini S
Malnutrition is global issue to our come the problem. Soyabean is a nature's wonder , it is a legume as well as oil seed crop.It is rich in all major nutrients like protein and fat.The protein content of soyabean is more than 40 % and highest in protein content among the legume and cheapest legume . It contains all essential amino acids as well as essential fatty acids. Amino acids pattern of soyabean is similar to cow milk amino acid.The proteins of the soyabean are alkaline in nature .Soyabean content more than 20 antioxident , isoflavonoids , nutraceutical properties and meditional values . Many researchers have shown daily consumption of one feast of soyabean by person does not suffer from any dreaded diseases. Soyabean has a capacity to overcome diseases like menopausal blue, hyper tension & different types of cancers. As it is rich in almost all nutrients & efficiently utilized for supplementation to preschool malnourished children .It is rich in mineral like iron, zinc and calcium. Zic in soybean is utilized for development of myline sheet in the brain of preschool children .The calcium of the soyabean is utilized for the growth of bones and teeth &it can be a best subs