An Update of Prokineticins in Reproduction : Future therapeutic potentials

Bok av Kochar Kaur Kulvinder
Prokineticin-1(PROK1) is a recently described protein with functions including tissue specific angiogenesis.PROK1 has been found in the steroidogenic organs, e.g: ovary,testis,adrenal, placenta and they have been found to have a role in development of olfactory system/GnRH system.The aim was to update the role of Prokineticins in human reproduction since the review provided by Maldono-Perezin 2007.A review of international scientific literature by a search of PUBMED articles relevant to PROK in reproduction,be its role in ovary,testis, uterus,emphasis on implantation ,normal pregnancy,labour,tubal pregnancy, pcos,various genital tumours,and cases of isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with mutations with PROK2/PROKR2. Results:n the normal cycle PROK1 has been found to have important roles in implantation.Initially murine studies revealed a critical role of PROK2 pathway on olfactory bulb morphogenesis and GnRH secretion,and since then several studies on mutations in PROK2/PROKR2 showed that they underlie some case of KS in humans. Conclusions:Role of PROK-1in the process of implantation,success rates in ART can be improved,besides understanding the pathophysiogy of tubal pregna