Impact of Microcredit of Grameen Bank in Reducing Rural Poverty

Bok av Enamul Hoque Muhammad
The book is developed from the findings of the thesis study titled on 'Impact of Micro-Credit of Grameen Bank in Reducing Rural Poverty: A Study in Two Upazillas of Sylhet District' conducted by Muhammad Enamul Hoque, to pursue MSS (Thesis) degree from Department of Social Work, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. The study was conducted in The study was conducted in 2011-2012 in two Upozillas Sylhet Sadar and South Surma under Sylhet district covering two branches of Grameen bank. The target population was those women who had availed microcredit facilities from Grameen Bank. The sampling unit was a woman who had availed microcredit. A total of 90 respondents (60 from 547Active Borrowers and 30 from 154 Drop-out Borrowers) were selected through Systematic Quasi or Fixed Interval Random Sampling. Three focus group discussions were conducted to collect qualitative data regarding the study phenomenon. Quantitative data are analyzed in percentage while qualitative data are interpreted in descriptive manner.