Osobennosti Krupnoob'emnykh Mestorozhdeniy Zolota : poligeneticheskaya rudonosnaya sistema na chernoslantsevoy baze

Bok av Bakulin Yuriy
Avtor vydelyaet spetsificheskie osobennosti osnovnykh svoystv mestorozhdeniy zolota, svyazannykh s "chernoslantsevymi" tolshchami- regional'noe rasprostranenie zolotonosnoy formatsii, stadiynost' rudoobrazovaniya v khode diageneza metamorfizma i postmagmaticheskogo preobrazovaniya. Avtor obosnovyvaet tselesoobraznost' ikh ob"edineniya v ob"emnuyu rudno-magmaticheskuyu sistemu, dlya kotoroy kharakteren bol'shoy masshtab rudonosnosti. Vse eto kharakterizuet rudonosnuyu sistemu kak vedushchuyu mineral'no-syr'evuyu bazu zolotodobychi. V osobennosti, esli prinyat' vo vnimanie svyaz' s rayonami razvitiya chernoslantsevogo kompleksa mestorozhdeniy osnovnykh rossypey zolota. The author highlights the specific characteristics of the basic properties of gold deposits,connected with black shales-regional distribution of stages of formation of the gold ore, formation during metamorphism diagenez and postmagmatism conversion. These features are associated with black shales- layers. The author proves the usefulness of combining them into larger ore-magmatism system, characterized by a large scale of ore-bearing potential. All this defines ore-bearing system as the leading mineral resources potential of gold mining. Especially if you t