Shrimp Farming : Economic and Prospect for Water Enhancement Product

Bok av Sadafule Nakul a
Among the different shrimp species cultured in world, Peneaus monodon is the most popular and commands considerable demand all over world including India. Shrimp farming has helped to increase the employment due to increase in production, transport, processing, marketing and export trade. However the industry suffered various shocks including white spot disease, price fluctuation at international level and threat of antidumping by USA which resulted in increased risk in production and marketing, all these issues have direct bearing on the profitability and economics of shrimp farming operations. The present study is based on the technical efficiency of shrimp farming. The study suggest the need for the concerted efforts in developing a disease management plan and evolving a viable marketing strategy for augmenting the production and higher unit value realization for the shrimp production.As, aquaculture industry is growing rapidly, the use of water quality enhancement product are used intensively.