Cultivation of Cluster Bean (Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba L.) : In Konkan region of Maharashtra India

Bok av Thorat Sumed
The vegetables constitute one of the most important component of human diet and are perhaps the best sources of almost all vitamins and minerals. They are rightly known as 'Protective foods' since they impact disease resistance to our body. Cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) Commonly referred to as guar is a multipurpose legume vegetable. By nature, it is a draught tolerant hardy legume and thus its cultivation is being concentrated in the arid and semi-arid regions of India. Besides, rich in protein, it is also good source of iron and vitamin C. The tender green pods of cluster bean are used as vegetables. This investigation was under taken to evaluate the cluster bean varieties for growth, yield and quality of pods under agro-climatic conditions of Konkan region of India. From the finding it can be concluded that the twelve varieties of cluster bean showed significant variation with respect to growth, yield parameters and chemical composition. From overall performance Haritrani variety was found to be best variety for its cultivation in the agroclimatic conditions of Konkan region of India.