Settlement of Maritime Dispute in the Bay of Bengal Under Unclos : Delimitation of maritime boundaries

Bok av Sandar Mya
The focus of this book is the official position of maritime boundary talks between Myanmar and Bangladesh and the rules of International Law applicable to the delimitation of the maritime boundaries, Regime of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), States practice and jurisprudence. Myanmar and UNCLOS, Myanmar submission to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) for an outer continental shelf beyond the 200 NM and maritime boundaries agreements between Myanmar and its neighbouring countries. An official submission to ITLOS concerning the maritime boundary delimitation between Myanmar and Bangladesh as case no - 16 ( first case of maritime boundary case in ITLOS) and overview proceedings before the ITLOS. And Myanmar-Thailand, Myanmar - India, Myanmar - India- Thailand on the delimitation of the Maritime Boundary Agreements and maps are attached in annex.