Ameliorating Effect of Lagenaria Siceraria on Cardiovascular Disorders : Isolation of Kaempferol

Bok av Rajput Mithun Singh
Thrombosis and atherosclerosis associated with the rupture of vulnerable plaque are the root cause of cardiovascular events leading to serious consequences such as myocardial or cerebral infarction, at times leading to death. Anticipation of thrombogenesis has become one of the most vital targets in the prophylaxis and therapy of cardiocirculatory disorders with atherothrombotic complications. As of the shortcomings of available drugs for treating such ailments, attempts are underway to explore natural sources with protective efficacy on cardiocirculatory disorders. Herbal medicines as the key remedy in traditional system of medicine have been used in medical practices since antiquity. The practices continue today as of its biomedical benefits as well as place in cultural beliefs in many parts of world and have made a great contribution towards maintaining human health. The fruits of Lagenaria siceraria are reported to possess defending outcome on cardiovascular disorders. This finding may be obliging in treating atherothrombotic diseases. However, further studies are required to gain more insight in revealing out the precise mechanisms underlying these effects.