Impact of Climate Change on Major Crops in Tamil Nadu

Bok av Ragunath Gnanasekaran
Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. There are a number of reasons for global climate change, examples of which include the increased intensity of solar energy or the cyclicality of Earth's temperatures, volcanism, oceanic circulation cycles, biosphere impact, ultraviolet radiation variability, reflectivity, rotational variation, solar systemic changes, galaxy positional variability, albedo, human influence and so on. The present research analyse on the impact of climate change on major crops in Tamil Nadu. It is observed from the study more that there is no impact of climate change on major crops. The major crops present a very little change in the productivity due to change in climate. Their co-efficient of variations are more or less uniform except for cotton the variation in cotton is observed in the latter half of the period of study. Its rise in productivity may due to the adoption of new technology in cultivation and the use of modern implements in agriculture. Thus climate change has no direct impact of major crops.