Wound Healing &; Antioxidant Activity of Polyherbal Formulation : The therapeutic benefits of herbal formulations

Bok av Pareta Jai Kumar
The study showed that chloroform and hydro alcoholic polyherbal ointments and formulation used in the present investigation respectively posses wound healing and antioxidant properties. The study further showed that the ointment formulated by hydro alcoholic and chloroform polyherbal extract contains significant amount of Curcumin, asiaticoside, flavonoids which are responsible for their wound healing and antioxidant properties. The polyherbal ointment of extract of (1% and 2%) chloroform and Hydro alcoholic and extract induced complete healing till the sixteenth day. The wound contraction and epithelialization were found to be faster in polyherbal ointment applied in rats compared to control. The stability study showed no change in colour, odor, spreadibility, pH and consistency of the formulation after keeping at different temperature for 45 days. The results suggest that in wound healing a chloroform and Hydro alcoholic formulation in ointment form has equivalent healing properties to Sulphathiazole ointment. In general it can be concluded that polyherbal ointments formulated by chloroform and Hydro alcoholic extract produces a rapid, healing.