Understanding Cooling Delay in High Density Data Centers

Bok av Ramaraj Dineshbalaji
The increasing online-based lifestyle has given the need for technological companies to store and process data without any hindrance. While the front-end of these systems are smooth and glamorous, what happens in the back-end is totally mind boggling. All the chaotic and the complicated tasks placed in tandem to ensure, the user doesn't experience any disturbances. These operations can be split into two, hardware-based and software-based. One of the critical components of the hardware-based side is the thermal management of the data center, ie. sustained heat balance inside the room throughout the operation. The advent of the blade servers which has a very high power to dimension ratio has mitigated the pressure for the firms to invest in smaller data center sized buildings. While the servers provides easy information handling, it has complicated the data center design for sustained thermal management. In this CFD work, we provide a blueprint for designing a high density data centers.