Investigation of Pool Fire by Using of Cfd Modeling : Experimental study of fire at outdoors and investigation of proposed models and comparison of influential parameters

Bok av Shahi Aref
Liquid fuels such as gasoline and kerosene are widely used in transport bureau and because of their flammability always there is a risk of pool fires during their storage and transportation. Also there is very flammable materials like peroxides which are widely used in chemical and petro chemical industries. The potential risk of accidental release of these materials and the hazard of pool fires is always concerned by relative companies and HSE engineers. Thus to minimize the destructive effects of this events one should have a good knowledge of the characteristics of the pool fire of this materials. In order to measure, calculate and develop eective methods of protection and safety distances experimental studies and CFD simulations of pool fire of two hydrocarbon fuels (i.e. gasoline and kerosene) and a peroxide (TBPB (tert-butyl peroxybenzoate)) were performed.