An Evaluation of Credit Card Business in India - A Comparative Study

Bok av Eliat John
The mode of payments for business transacted between individuals had changed from civilization to civilization, from place to place. As civilization progressed, the payment system had also undergone drastic change worldwide - from barter system to payment in metal coins, and paper currency to plastic money and electronic payments. Plastic money can be in the form of Debit cards or Credit cards. There were around 16 million credit cards in India as on March 2006, which was 3 percent of the bankable population in India. This book presents the conceptual framework of credit cards, its regulatory environment in India. It also analyses - Number of Credit Cards in India, its Penetration levels, Transactional Analysis, Composition of Credit Card Transactional (Values) to Major Macro-Economic Indicators, Credit Card Transactions as a Percentage to Various Electronic Payments, Credit Card Sector Performances. The work also tries to evaluate the perception and satisfaction of credit cardholders and merchants. This book is useful to Credit card issuing banks/ institutions, Credit cardholders, Merchants, Researchers and Government.