Surface Chemistry in Mineral Processing Engineering : For Mineral Processing, Material and Chemistry Engineering

Bok av Sanaie Seyed Maziyar
This book contains 4 seasons in surface chemistry for mineral processing engineers in hydrometallurgy field. In the first season authors talked about Surface Structure of Metals, Relaxation & Reconstruction of Surfaces, Particulate Metals and Single Crystal Surfaces. In the second season they explained an Introduction to Molecular Adsorption, Adsorption Kinetics - The Rate of Adsorption, Adsorbate Geometries & Structures on Metals and The Desorption Process. In the third season they discussed about The Langmuir Isotherm. In the last chapter they talked about UHV & Effects of Pressure. In this book the authors tried to ask important questions with their answers for better understanding, on the other hand the authors used tables and molecular shapes in each chapter to make this book more attractive.