Reconstruction of Participatory Paradigm Based on Esq Power : A Strategy of Poverty Overcoming in Kendari City, South East Sulawesi

Bok av Askat Peribadi
There is hardly a shortcoming that can be found in the participatory developmental paradigm based on the community that so far has been used by UPOP, NPIUSE, and NUSSP. Except, the user of this paradigm tends to aberrate from the order or regulation that has been agreed. The findings legitimated the syllogism structure of the universal truth that actor of development having intellectual and spiritual quotient based on ESQ Power has personal and social strength in doing duty, role, and responsibility entrusted to him as the actor of the poverty overcoming program network in area of Kendari City Government. In the context, the urgency of grand design of paradigmatic reconstruction as an effort of universal spirituality synthesis in the Weberian's Cultural perspective with Prophetic Spirituality in Ibnu Kaldun's Transcendental perspective must begin to be given the priority to anticipate the process of the pauperization and as one to overcome the poverty.