Role of Communication Media in Promoting Agriculture in Hills : Information Communication Technology and Hill Agriculture

Bok av Sanwal Renu
More than three-fourths of Uttarakhand's total population depends on agriculture for their livelihood and the economy is predominantly dependent on mountain agriculture. However, the land holdings are small and fragmented, and irrigation facilities limited. Woman is the molder and builder of any nation's destiny. They are regarded as the backbone of the rural scene. Women workforce outside the four walls is larger in rural areas than in urban India. The prosperity and growth of a nation depends on the status and development of its women, as they not only constitute nearly half of its population, but also positively influence the growth of remaining half of the population. In line with above stated facts this study was undertaken to assess the utilization of selected communication media by farmers as sources of Agricultural information in N-W Himalayan Region of Uttarakhand state. The specific objectives of the study are to identify the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers, to examine the different mass media utilized by the farmers and to determine the relationship between utilization of mass media and socio-economic characteristics of the farmers.