Coal Seam Gas Produced Water Purification by Multi-Effect Distillation : Evaporation ponds is a tool of the past. Multi-effect distillation is the future for zero liquid discharge

Bok av Elters Christian
Often, the natural gas industry is lambasted for its production of ground water, associated in the gas extraction process. In fact, the general public has lambasted the gas industry with every available means. Will it ever stop? The gas industry is critised for its disposal strategy, it is critised for the vast amount of water extracted, it is critised for its well integrity, and the list goes on. To silence the rioters, I will propose an idea. I propose the conventional evaporation ponds, used for water disposal, is replaceable, and that the amount of water disposed can be lowered and not formidable. If I can prove this will you protesters stop objecting? I pray this proposal for small progress would be a delight to their ears. And if they are not satisfied than all I can do is suggest them a shrink. Is multi-effect distillation pragmatic for reducing the by-product associated in coal seam gas production process?