Postwar Social Reintegration of Ex Ltte Combatants of Sri Lanka : The struggle of Tamil Tigers to be re-socialized with their families and their communities

Bok av Ghimire Bipin
The three decades civil war in Sri Lanka ended in 2009 after the military defeat to Tamil Tigers. The country faced casualty of more than forty thousands nationals, displacements of hundreds of thousands and the massive destruction of the infrastructure with the imbedded fear into the hearts of Sri Lankan People. This book studies the process of social reintegration of ex-LTTE combatants and the challenges they face while reintegrating with their family and the community. The combatants lost their family member, their land, cattle and the community support during civil war. The post war trauma, the mistrust from the family, social stigmas and the lack of livelihood are some realities that the ex-combatants are struggling with to be reintegrated into their community. Through this primary research, the researcher finds out the real and unseen reality of Sri Lankan civil war kept behind the scene for years. This book insights you with an authentic information about the Sri Lankan Society, the Civil war, the post war social reintegration and the challenges faced by the ex-combatants after the war.