Star Formation and Techniques in Infrared and mm-Wave Astronomy : Lectures Held at the Predoctoral Astrophysics School V Organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Berlin, Germa

Bok av T P Ray
The rapid growth in our understanding of how stars form owes a lot to recent developments in techniques for carrying out infrared and millimeter-wave astronomy. Thus Star Formation and Techniques in mm-Wave Astronomy were natural joint themes for the Fifth EADN Predoctoral Astrophysics School held at the Technische Universitat Berlin. The lecture courses by six world-class experts are aimed at postgraduate students and scientists with a non-specialist interest in the field. Topics include molecular clouds, T Tauri stars, OB stars, observation methods in infrared and mm astronomy, as well as high resolution techniques.