Die Struktur Des Auto Sacramental �los Encantos de la Culpa� Von Calder�n. Antiker Mythos in Christlicher Umpr�gung

Bok av Hans Flasche
The lecture on "The Structure of the Auto Sacramental Los Encantos de la Culpa (The Enchantment of Guilt) by Calder6n" is subdivided into six parts. The introduction emphasizes, among other aspects, the importance of mystery plays within the scope of the Spanish author's work and the pres ent state of literary research. Before entering into a microanalysis, the re viewer gives a macroanalysis for better understanding, i. e. a subdivision of the work showing the chains of action. The following second part of the explanations shows that the nautical metaphors pervading the Auto form an essential factor in the whole structure of the play. The third part of the lecture gives the dosest possible examination and interpretation of the se duc tive address of "Guilt", comprising 113 lines, in which Calder6n - as he frequently does - gives a documentation of the poetical processing of his educational and formative background. The fourth part deals with the study of the dialogue between "Guilt" and "Man" following only four stanzas accompanied by Music, which give an outline of the beauty of the Paradise of Guilt.