Bulk Cargo : A short introduction for loading, unloading and stowage of solid Bulk Cargoes including Draught Survey

Bok av Peter Grunau
The book is a guide for loading, unloading and stowage of solid bulk cargoes. It describes the common practices preparing the vessel for loading and unloading of bulk cargoes and distribution of the cargo. The practice of preparing a loading/unloading plan including de-ballasting and ballasting operation is, as well as the description of the draught survey, part of the book. Finally the common practice for loading grain cargoes, the calculation of the residual area and the mandatory requirements if loading for the US or in ports of the US, is described.Additional to the loading/unloading requirements a detailed description how to prepare a voyage plan including risk assessment if transporting bulk cargoes is included.The book should be an assistance for the ship command for a better and easier understanding of carrying bulk cargoes.