Die Welt der Skulpturen von Wu Weishan (German Edition)

Wu Weishan (*1962) is one of Asia's most prominent contemporary sculptors. Whether his subject is Leonardo da Vinci or Confucius, street artists or destitute children, his works allow us to sense the strength and emotions of these people. In the past thirty years he has created many sculptures that have been exhibited in museums around the world. His sculptures combine Xieyi, a Chinese expressionist style, with Western influences-and so, although he is rooted in Chinese culture, his role models also include artists such as Kathe Kollwitz and Auguste Rodin.The publication of this book coincides with the unveiling of Wu Weishan's five-and-a-half-meter tall bronze statue of Karl Marx in Trier, a gift from China to the city where the philosopher-economist was born two hundred years ago. Besides essays about the sculptor's art, the volume also contains many photographs, as well as commentary on the artist's impressive sculptures; in addition, it describes the work of an intercultural sculptor who is building new bridges between East and West. It is edited by Yu Zhang, chairwoman of the Society for German-Chinese Cultural Exchange (GeKA e.V.).