Nari Ward

Bok av Diana Nawi
Featuring work from the 1990s to today, this mid-careersurvey of Nari Ward explores the artist's best-known workin assemblage and installation, as well as his multimediainvestigations. Employing the detritus of modern life, Wardcreates arresting narratives about migration, social justice,and cultural identity. His enormous pieces have tested theboundaries of installation art, often creating immersiveexperiences for the viewer. The book features essays thatapproach Ward's work through the lenses of site-specificityand Caribbean art history, a reflection by Ralph Lemon onhis collaborations with Ward, and an interview with PhilippeVergne that focuses on some of the artist's major projects.The result is a visually and intellectually stimulating in-depthlook at an artist whose deft use of found objects and persistentquestioning of social structures, constructions of identity, andnotions of place and belonging has earned him internationalaccolades.