Ovocs in the Swiss Boundary Layer

Bok av Geir Legreid
Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds (OVOCs) play a key role in tropospheric chemistry. For the measurement of these compounds a double-adsorbent sampling system coupled to a GC-MS was developed as part of this PhD thesis. Thereafter, the system proved its accuracy, reliability and robustness through a total of tvelve measurement campaigns at urban, rural and remote sites as well as in a smog chamber intercomparison study. The importance of the measured OVOCs to local, regional and global photochemistry has been proven during these campaigns. They are dominant components in the free troposphere as well as in urban regions. Source regions for the pollutants at the remote site Jungfraujoch were estimated from measurement days with influence from the polluted boundary layer (PBL) by applying a statistical trajectory model.