The Ergonomics 'Know-How' Transfer Models to IDC's Industries : Concept, Theory, Methodology, Method, Technique

Bok av Faramarz Helali
Why ergonomics did not widely know and use in industries of industrially developing countries (IDCs) could be primary because of our failure as a professional body to globalize the subject. The ergonomics know-how transfer explores and describes the models to success for ergonomics intervention technique (EIT) in organization. It addresses subjects could linking values with the idea of practical knowledge. -Concepts on macroergonomics and participatory ergonomics as a means to developing EIT. -Demonstrates how to link it with macroergonomics theory and theories of change. -Demonstrates how research questions to link with choice of the research approach and strategy and its methodology. .Explores how with reflection practices can be spread and sustained it in organizational level. -Draws on the case studies and action research-types intervention. -Aimed at industrial managers, staff responsible for workforce, improvement of health and safety, productivity and organizational develoment those following ergonomics transfer programme of study as a professional. -Written by an authority in Ergonomics/Human Factors as software technology, technique, know-how transfer to organizations.