Plant Conservation : Invasive species control and forest restoration on Pitcairn Island, South Central Pacific

Bok av Dr Noeleen Smyth
Pitcairn Island is a small volcanic Island in the South Central Pacific. Pitcairn famously is home to descendants of the "Bounty" mutineers who hid out there after seizing the ship from Captain Bligh. The flora of Pitcairn Island is of international interest due to the large ratio of endemic plant species on the island. The islanders imported a timber producing species called "Roseapple" (Syzygium jambos) to the island in the 1800's, it has now spread to cover most of the centre of the island, outcompeting the native forest and its endemic species. This research project investigated ways of controlling "Roseapple" and developed propagation protocols for many of the native and endemic species, which were used to replant areas where "Roseapple" was treated. The local community were fully involved with the project and an economic assessment of the cost of control and restoration was carried out. Genetic fingerprints were produced of the most threatened endemic species and recommendations for their ongoing conservation are outlined.