Semantic Integration of GIS and OLAP in Location Based Services : APPLICATION OF SEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGY

Bok av Ahmad Haris
This research provides the study of integration between Location Based Service(LBS) and Online analytical Processing(OLAP). LBS are mobile services that has the capability to provide real time information based on user's location.Geographical Information System(GIS) has been the heart of LBS in order to provide all functionalities in LBS. In the knowledge discovery realm, Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) integrates conventional OLAP with GIS data sets. This addition of GIS provides additional features such as better visualization which enhance decision making.With current trend in system development, it is possible to distribute the data available from these three systems (LBS, GIS, OLAP) in the web. The research explains critical issues in data integration such as data modeling, schema integration and query processing strategy. Semantic Web, a new emerging standard that has been used to manage all information on the internet has been adopted throughout the research.