Remote Sensing and GI System in Environmental Sampling : CASE STUDY OF ANASAGAR LAKE (RAJASTHAN) INDIA

Bok av Dr Puja Khare
Environmental threats to Anasagar wetland include pollution, eutrophication, encroachment,siltation, weed infestation, unplanned, aquaculture practices etc.There are causing serious problems for the area and are proving detrimental to the growth of the system: it is noted that, while dissolved oxygen content was low, the conductivity values indicating presence of pollutants was found to be high. Both the parameters are unsafe for aquatic life. Pollution is being caused from garbage, waste, sewage, detergents,fertilizers etc. from run off processes. This nutrient rich water 175 result in explosive growth of Azolla, Hydrilla,Potamogetion, Vallisneria, etc. Ceratophyllium is well-adapted macrophytes to water rich in inorganic Nitrogen. Trapa is cultivated as a source of food. Pesticides have broadly contiminated natural water resources, which gain entry into the biota of the area where it is represented in a toxic form. With the occurrence of total dried phase during summer in Ana agar truckloads of basin area soil is being taken out after digging the bed. This results in the loss of rich storage of nutrients from the bottom habitat.