Medicinal Plants Of Nepal : An Analysis of Use, Trade and Conservation Aspects in the Rasuwa District

Bok av Yadav Uprety
The role of medicinal plants in livelihood improvement, income generation and poverty reduction have been widely realized and are therefore being promoted by government and conservation and development organizations. Despite the vital role of medicinal plants to rural development in Nepal, their potentiality and contribution remains largely unexplored. This book, therefore, examines the role of medicinal plants in livelihood, identifies the challenges facing by the medicinal plant sector and analyzes the opportunities provided by the medicinal plant sector in the Rasuwa district, Central Nepal. Introduction chapter provides a solid foundation for the reader getting concepts on trends and aspects of MAPs research, leading on to sections dealing with field level realities. The analysis should be especially helpful for the development planners, conservationists, sociologists and botanists interested in NTFPs and MAPs sector.