Leading Styles for Business Leadership : Transform your Ideas into Business realities

Bok av Mohd Sadique Shaikh Anwar
Today's business world not only believes on big business corporations like MNCs and INCs, but also equally believes on small business organization like Business Enterprises. It has been accepted by one and all that small business enterprises must be assigned a top priority in any programmed of economic development. Survey display the major part of economy in developed countries like Japan, USA, UK just because of small business growth i.e. Enterprises having less than 100 labors, and to execute such enterprises having small organization more need to lead and less need to manage to get maximum effective work by labors with keep them motivated for work and honest for the business. This book is not only with the intention leadership for small organization but also for corporations which highlights concepts, tools, types, techniques and theories of business leadership and emphasized why balanced leadership need with the management.