Lolita as a Postmodernist Text. : A Postmodernist Reading of V. Nabokov's Lolita.

Bok av Mezri Abroug
V. Nabokov's Lolita as a Postmodernist Text: What makes Lolita a Postmodernist Text? Although Lolita, a book by the Russian emigre, Vladimir Nabokov, received a demoralizing public inimicality shortly after its publication in 1955, it has gained so far a prolific success among critics and researchers. It is acclaimed for its playful nature. It is the case study of miscellaneous readings and interpretations. My MA dissertation is one of those attempts to explore its contradictory, subversive, intertextual, parodic, ironic, and rhizomatic characteristics. The point is to show that our text is postmodernist par excellence. Its elusive and self-reflexive features back up its postmodernist trend, regardless of its unreliability, ambiguity, and confusion on the levels of narration, characterization, and style.