Gospel Of Sin : A Compilation of Articles on End Time Deception

Bok av Kizito Michael George
Prominent Christian ministers are preaching a gospel of sin. They are telling their flocks that being born again is not synonymous with stopping sinning. They argue that a born again Christian can be a porn addict, thug, robber and an adulterer and still go to heaven. Some of these ministers have actually divorced their wives and are pretty sure that God is simply Winking at Sin as they enjoy a ride to heaven. These preachers say that a born again Christian who commits suicide still goes to heaven when she/he dies. Can you Imagine! They premise their arguments on the false assurance; salvation is not of works and therefore once saved always saved. The name of our Lord Jesus Christ is being blasphemed among the gentiles because the church pews are fully child molesters, sex addicts, drug addicts, sensual dressers, occultists and murderers. This book exposes head-on the faulty premises of this Gospel of sin. After reading this book you must decide whether to follow and trust God's word or believe carnal preachers.