Habitat Suitability Mapping And Species Identification Of Chiroptera : A CASE STUDY FROM KASKI DISTRICT

Bok av Bishwa Kiran Giri
Bat comes among the least studied and highly misunderstood animal, regarded as evil spirit or omen in Mesoamerican, Oaxcan and East Nigerean mythology, unlike depicted as Fu-Shing (symbology of god of happiness) in Chinese Culture. Several of the bat species are enlisted in various category of CITES and IUCN Red Data Book, unlike in Nepal Wildlife legislation where its status is unclear. This research paper jostles the various important issues of this wildlife and helps in understanding and updating the information regarding this creature in this part of the world and globe. This research prepares a habitat suitability map & Roost site distribution map of Chiroptera in the study area; identifies 7 species of bat (4 species new for Kaski and 1 species new for Nepal) accounting a total of 17 species in the study area; focusing diverse audiences viz. students, professional and experts in the field of wildlife biology and conservation and the various GO, NGOs and INGOs. The inception of the positive benefits of this creature among the public and recommendation for the updating it's status in the wildlife legislation of the country comes as an inevitable goal.