Impact of Renewable Energy Generation Technologies on the Power Quality of the Electrical Power Systems

Bok av Elda Caro Vilchez De Gaertner
The sharp electricity generation increase from RE resources creates a necessity for different studies to analyse the PQ impact of the integration of this technology into the power system, as well as an evaluation of the resulting consequences in order to make the required adjustments.The main objective of this work is to analyze the impact of RE generation systems on the network power quality. A review of the PQ indices will be included. An additional objective of this work is to create an accurate test model of 380 kV and 110 kV power systems with MV and LV networks to integrate RE generation technologies in order to make simulation experiments. Accurate models of a wind turbine, PV generator and a microturbine have to be generated. Methods to evaluate voltage sags, flickers and harmonics in the test model have to be studied. Experimental study cases to evaluate, compare and analyse the PQ of the test power system model have to be developed.Finally, a further objective of this thesis is to set up a review of the PQ problems found in the test network in order to propose an overview of PQ indices, to identify and analyse the PQ behaviour of the network in case of a large amount of RE integration.