Population Dynamics And Management Of Pod Borer Complex In Pigeonpea : Population dynamics and management of pod borer complex in pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh (Anand, Gujarat)

Bok av L V Ghetiya
Investigation on population dynamics and management of pod borer complex in pigeonpea were carried out at Anand Agricultural University, Anand during Kharif 2007-08 and 2008-09. The studies on population dynamics indicated the significant negative association between larval population of Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) as well as Exelastis atomosa (Wals.) and bright sunshine hours as well as evaporation. The significant positive association was found between larval population of Melanagromyza obtusa Malloch and wind speed. Whereas, significant negative association was found between larval population of M. obtusa and maximum and minimum temperature, morning and evening vapour pressure and evaporation. There were non-significant effects of weather parameters on larval population of Lampides boeticus L. The early maturing determinate cultivars with green pods and high total soluble sugar, protein, amino acids and chlorophyll as well as low phenol and tannin were found more susceptible to H. armigera, E. atomosa and L. boeticus. Early maturing determinate types cultivars with brown striped pods were found less susceptible to M. obtusa. Early sown pigeonpea was more proned to H. armigera.