Freedom of Expression in Kuwait : The case of two Kuwaiti liberal female writers

Bok av Dalal Al-Budaiwi
Kuwait is an Islamic democracy where the citizensenjoy a number of freedoms partially. Kuwaiti societyis known to be conservative with a large number ofliberal Muslim citizens who freely participate inpolitical and social life. The Kuwaiti Constitutionprotects all kinds of freedoms and human rights butwith specifications. Yet, Kuwaiti citizens lack theawareness of the notion of the term "freedom ofexpression." Surprisingly, the Kuwaiti legal systemdoes not have a definition of freedom of expressionclearly specified. Thus, the vagueness of the freedomof expression in Kuwait leads to confusion for thelegal authority while dealing with freedom ofexpression cases. The book examines freedom ofexpression in Kuwait by analyzing a case of twocontroversial female Kuwaiti authors have beenhassled between the courts' decisions, judges'hesitations and the sharp accusations by the Kuwaitisociety. Ms. Laila Alothman and Dr. Alyaa Alshuaibsuffered for 7 years because of a group of IslamicIslamist who claimed that some of the authors'publications were controversial.